ACCA F4 LW Corporate and Business Law Exam Tips
How to pass Paper F4:Law used to be a difficult paper for students long back but the scenery changed with the new examiner, generally speaking for passing all the papers of ACCA, what ACCA Students needs is mix of following:Hard work, grip on topics, be conceptual, show professionalism, be good at ethics part, and using specific Law/Audit Jargons.
Specifically for Paper F4, if we see the trends in past papers, questions are repeated time and again. So why not to go through the past papers thoroughly several times after being done with Study texts??Well yes, BPP would be a good option for Study Text and for Exam Kit aswell.
For Law, one needs to go quote cases in the examination hall, cases alone are not enough, if you miss out using law jargons, you will miss the opportunity to EARN A PASS, quote the case, use the appropriate jargons, be concise, explain to the point, do not exaggerate, if you do not remember the case in the examination hall relevant to that topic, do not panic, make an example connected to that scenario, conclude it, and give the decision, use the jargons, and you will surely Pass.
Jargons like void-ab-initio, director's fiduciary duty, obiter dictum, etc are such that are to be used by almost every student in every exam.
Make sure you deal the scenario question very well. If you are good at it, you are good at basic understanding.
When practicing past papers, make sure you read the Examiner's answers and Examiner's Comments properly, if you are successful in understanding what examiner wants from you, No one can stop you from clinching a Pass in exam. Try to judge what examiner stresses students to address in every exam sitting.
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